Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Attack of Kugelholpf!!

I'm having a bad go of the TWD recipe's lately. The rugalesch looked oookay, but I wasn't that thrilled about them and I can't see spending money on ingredients and spending time in the kitchen on something I don't really really want to eat. So I let that one slide, but then when I saw Kugelhopf listed for this week, I knew that wasn't going to happen either....

I have memories of many many dry and tasteless experiences with this bread-cake that I don't want to return to. The mother of kids I used to tutor would stock up on this stuff around Christmas time and it seemed to hang out long past the new year. I had to pretend to like it on a constant basis. It irritates me that something that dares to look like cake can go and taste so awful. How dare it! I will not allow this wolf in sheep's clothing into my kitchen! Sorry....

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